- A resource in My Colony.
Can be imported by:
- Black Market Bazaar
- Customs Processing
- Galactic Freight
- Medium Range Star Gate
- Space Elevator
- Star Gate
- Star Port
Can be exported by:
- Black Market Bazaar
- Customs Processing
- Export Cannon
- Galactic Freight
- Mass Driver
- Medium Range Star Gate
- Space Elevator
- Star Gate
- Star Port
Is stored in:
- Ancient Alien Gold Synthesis +150000
- Antanium Impactor +2000
- Antanium Smelter +2000
- Bank +40000
- Gold Burrow +4000
- Gold Grower +15000
- Gold Mint +10000
- Gold Refinery +5000
- Gold Synthesis Lab +15000
- Gravitational Compression Warehouse +4000000
- Insectoid Mining Operation +3500
- Insectoid Mint +10000
- Investment Bank +500000
- Mining Operation +3500
- Money Pit +5000
- Obelisk of Plenty +50000
- Powered Materials Silo +25000
- Quantum Warehouse +150000
- Raw Materials Depot +5000
- Raw Materials Extractor +500
- Supply Pile +800
- Unholy Obsidian Burner +1000
- Unholy Pit of Stuff +15000
Is produced in:
- Ancient Alien Gold Synthesis 1400.00 /min
- Black Market Bazzar 0.85 /min
- Gold Grower 18.00 /min
- Gold Synthesis Lab 90.00 /min
- Insectoid Mining Operation 3.60 /min
- Mining Operation 14.40 /min
- Raw Materials Extractor 270.00 /min
- Unholy Core Mine 60.00 /min
- Universal Commodities Exchange 4.00 /min
Is constantly consumed by:
- Advanced Microchip Factory -4.80 /min
- Antanium Impactor -4.80 /min
- Antanium Smelter -1.20 /min
- Gold Mint -1.80 /min
- Insectoid Mint -3.60 /min
- Microchip Factory -1.56 /min
- Obsidian Furnace -0.20 /min
- Ship Yard -0.34 /min
- Unholy Obsidian Burner -1.20 /min