- Abandoned World
- Abandoned World Base
- Adult Daycare
- Advanced Builder Bot
- Advanced Charcoal Production
- Advanced Chemical Synthesis
- Advanced Chemistry
- Advanced Chip Transporter
- Advanced Cloning Facility
- Advanced Digging
- Advanced Gold Mining
- Advanced Hydroponics
- Advanced Hydroponics Center
- Advanced Metallurgy
- Advanced Microbiology
- Advanced Microchip Factory
- Advanced Nanotechnology
- Advanced Networking Infrastructure
- Advanced Nuclear Physics
- Advanced Ore Purification
- Advanced Ore Refinery
- Advanced Robotics
- Advanced Small Scale Construction
- Airborne Lander
- Alien Artifact
- Alien Enrichment Facility
- Alien Quantum Physics
- Alien Relic
- All Buildings
- All Civilizations
- All Planet Types
- All Resources
- All Technologies
- All Terrains
- All Vehicles
- Alpha Draconians
- Alumibug
- Aluminum
- Aluminum Deposit
- Aluminum Generator
- Aluminum Mine
- Aluminum Miner
- Aluminum Refinery
- Aluminum Road
- Ambulance
- Ancient Alien Language
- Ancient Alien Manufacturing
- Ancient Alien Microchip Factory
- Ancient Instructions
- Ancientbug
- Ant Paste
- Ant Paste Synthesis
- Antanium
- Antanium Compounds
- Antanium Production
- Antanium Synthesis
- Antaura
- Archaeological Dig Site
- Arcology
- Artificial Intelligence
- Aspen Trees
- Asteroid
- Asteroid Base
- Atmosphere
- Atmosphere Condenser
- Bacteria Farm
- Bank
- Basic Education
- Basic Network Infrastructure
- Black Markets
- Bot test
- Brick Road
- Bricks
- Builder Bot
- Capitol
- Capitol Level 2
- Capitol Level 3
- Capitol Level 4
- Capitol Level 5
- Capitol Level 6
- Charcoal
- Charcoal Compactor
- Checkered Pavement
- Chop Shop
- Civic Center
- Civics
- Clay
- Clay Mine
- Clay Production
- Claybot
- Climate Science Theory
- Cloth
- Cobalt
- Cobalt Deposit
- Cobalt Extractor
- Colonial Civics
- Colonial Finance Theory
- Colonial Tourism
- Colonist
- Communal Finance
- Construction Drone
- Construction Probe
- Consulate
- Consulate Level 2
- Crude Extractor
- Crudebot
- Crystalbot
- Crystalline
- Crystalline Deposit
- Crystalline Synthesis
- Deep Excavation
- Desert World
- Desert World Base
- Diablo Crystalline
- Diamond
- Diamond Bot
- Diamond Deposit
- Diamond Extractor
- Diamond Miner
- Diamond Mining
- Display testing
- Draconian Base
- Durable Goods Warehouse
- Earthlike
- Enslaved Alumibug
- Enslaved Extremeobug
- Enslaved Fisherbug
- Enslaved Goldbug
- Enslaved Lumberbug
- Enslaved Obsidiobug
- Enslaved Orebug
- Enslaved Waterbug
- Enslaved Worker Drone
- Ether(Terrains)
- Ether (Resources)
- Ether Extractor
- Ether Rover
- Etherbug
- Extraterrestrial Builder
- Extremeobug
- Faster Than Light Travel
- Fir Tree
- Fir Trees
- Fish
- Fish Hatchery
- Fisherbot
- Fisherbug
- Food
- Forest Rover
- Forest World
- Forest World Base
- Galactic Commerce
- Galactic Finance Theory
- Galactic Governance
- Galactic Imperialism
- Gifting Limit
- Gold
- Gold Deposit
- Gold Mine
- Gold Miner
- Gold Mint
- Gold Refinery
- Gold Storage
- Gold Synthesis Lab
- Goldbug
- Green Dome
- Greenbot
- Greenhouse
- Hardened Pavement
- Hardened Pavement Lit
- Helium 3
- Hereditary Rule
- High Density Solar Panels
- Hipster Lofts
- Human Base
- Human Cloning
- Hydrogen Reactor
- Ice Chipper
- Ice Deposit
- Ice World
- Ice World Base
- Imperialism
- Insectoid Base
- Insectoid Brewing
- Insectoid Bureaucracy
- Insectoid Dominion
- Insectoid Governance
- Insectoid Mind Network
- Insectoid Oil Production
- Insectoid Regeneration
- Insectoid Shipbuilding
- Integrated Civic Center
- Integrated Medical Clinic
- Interdimensional Transportation
- LIS Base
- LIS Rover
- Lander
- Landfill
- Landing Pad
- Large Medical Clinic
- Large Residential Complex
- Large Scale Construction
- Large Silo
- Large Water Tower
- Lava
- Lava World
- Lava World Base
- League of Independant States
- Long Range Communications
- Low Atmospheric Zoology
- Low Gravity Husbandry
- Low Gravity Manufacturing
- Low Gravity Masonry
- Low Gravity Oil Production
- Lumber Mill
- Lumber Yard
- Lumberbot
- Lumberbug
- Lunar
- Lunar Base
- Lunar Rover
- Main Resources
- Mass Data Management
- Mass Driver
- Medical Clinic
- Medium Atmosphere Generator
- Mega Construction
- Mega Habitats
- Megabot
- Megabot Deluxe
- Megatree
- Microchip
- Microchip Factory
- Microgravity Brewing
- Micromine
- Mobile Construction Mech
- Module (Module data) List
- Money
- Motherland Tax
- Multimedia Infrastructure
- My Colony Wiki
- Mystic Uranium Generation
- Mysticism
- Nanite
- Nationalism
- Next Gen Power Production
- Nuclear Reactor
- Obsidian
- Obsidian Deposit
- Obsidiobug
- Oil
- Oil Deposit
- Oil Plant
- Open Doors
- Ore
- Ore Deposit
- Ore Enrichment
- Ore Fracking Operation
- Ore Mine
- Ore Miner
- Ore Refinery
- Ore Tunnel
- Orebug
- Organization Template
- Painting
- Palm Trees 1
- Palm Trees 2
- Pavement
- Pavement Lit
- Planet Types
- Plant Genetics
- Plastic
- Political Theater
- Pond
- Pottery
- Power
- Proxy Servers
- Pub
- Public Transportation
- Pyramid of the All Seeing Eye
- Quantum Warehouse
- Queen
- Red Planet
- Red Planet Base
- Regional Bus
- Regobug
- Regolith
- Regolith Compactor
- Regolith Deposit
- Regolith Mine
- Regolith Miner
- Reptilian Base
- Research
- Residential Complex
- River
- Roads
- Robot
- Robot Factory
- Round
- Rover
- Rum
- Salt Water
- Self Governance
- Shipbuilding
- Silo
- Single Family Home
- Small Atmosphere Generator
- Small Research Lab
- Small Rover Transport
- Small Server Building
- Small Server Farm Operation
- Small Shelter
- Small Solar Panel
- Small Trash Pit
- Small Vehicle Factory
- Small Water Pump
- Software
- Solar Governance
- Solar Tower
- Spoiler test
- Squad Car
- Starship
- Statue
- Steel
- Sugar
- Sugar Cultivation
- Sugar Rover
- Sugarcane
- Sugarland
- Sugarland Base
- Sugarpower
- Synthetic Crystalline Deposit
- Tall Brick Warehouse
- Tall Construction
- The Wheel
- Ticks
- Tourist Essentials
- Tourist Traps
- Toy
- Trading
- Transcendence
- Trash
- Tree Farm
- Triantanium
- Tundra Rover